I'm at least one of the 7 dwarves...
Today I am miserable, it’s cold and I’m tired. Not that my being miserable stops the merry-go-round, we still have to keep going. It’s actually the first day of half term that I’m off with my children. They both want to go to the cinema (and they agree on the film and my youngest I ant screaming about the dark or the high seats or the loud noises) so based on all of these miracles we’re going to the cinema!
I’ve also got work to do. I’m not in anyone’s office today but the work doesn’t stop. And I’ve got personal things that need sorting, the kind you don’t usually have time for like phoning the water people or cleaning the house...
Oh and I’m miserable- did I mention that? Which just adds to the list frankly. That’s okay though, I run a small business, I’m a mother, nothing stops because I want it too.and actually the thought of sitting in those big cinema seats with my youngest curled on my lap due to fear over the dark/height/loud noises it’s quite appealing right now. So I’ve negotiated that we’ll do that this morning then mummy has to work after lunch- something for everyone.
And who knows, maybe I’ll end up less miserable! And the very least my children will be happy and I’ll have got more work done so maybe I can be the mildly unhappy but satisfied dwarf instead...
P.S. it’s also just occurred to me that rather than spending the last ten minutes doing something off of The List, I wrote a blog instead... equally productive but not helping to shift the mound of work!
P.P.S. It’s okay to be grumpy by the way, perfectly normal and nothing wrong with it, we all get like that sometimes. My point is that you can’t let it stop you, you need to find your way to keep going :-)
P.P.P.S are postscripts supposed to be capitals or lower case? #askingforafriend
P.P.P.P.S just kidding...