Carpe the Opportunity…
Or occasionem carpe if you want to get really technical about it.
I think I’ve mentioned this before but one of the sentiments I live by is something credited to Richard Branson- if you don’t know how to do something, say yes and learn later (or something similar, I’m paraphrasing).
It’s all about seizing opportunities in order to learn something new, to develop yourself or to move forward and I’m a massive believer in that.
I’m also a believer in being honest about not knowing things but being willing to learn.
This honesty leads to one of two outcomes.
Firstly, I’ve had clients offer to put me through training on systems, on platforms, on processes and events and I’ve leapt at every chance.
Each time I’ve been able to support my client in a better way and I’ve been able to pick up transferable skills that have benefitted my business and filled two of my five buckets - as Steven Bartlett would put it.
And secondly, there have been the times when I have an idea about how to do something but not enough to be proficient. Those are the times when I utilise YouTube or online blogs and how to guides, watch in-app training or ask my network. Those ones take a bit longer but I’m still adding to my knowledge and building my skill set.
As you can tell I’m a bit of a magpie when it comes to collecting skills and learning, I’m happy to say yes, I’m happy to jump on something new and I’m happy to be open to those opportunities.
But, and this is the important thing, every opportunity I say yes to fits into my bigger plan for my business and my own development… or it’s something that brings me joy. I work hard and I always will to ensure that I can call myself an expert in some areas and highly experienced in others and I work hard to keep learning new things.
So my advice to you is to take the opportunities when they arise because you never know where they might take you.