Could somebody please hold my baby…

When you start a business you’re generally doing it because you’re passionate about something, for me that was helping people. It means that as your business grows and develops (and unless you’re very lucky to be independently wealthy) you put in your time, your effort, your financial security… you put it all in to creating this thing which you grow to love (and occasionally hate). That business is your baby.


That’s why I get how hard it is to hand anything over to someone else. I’ve been exactly the same, I knew I was pushing myself too far and dropping those spinning plates (not yours lovely clients, my own) until it became obvious that I just couldn’t do it any more. However, handing your baby over is scary - thoughts like “I don’t want to have to explain it all”, “it’ll be quicker to do it myself”, “no one else will really get it” plagued me and I’ll admit they made me hold back getting help longer than I should have.


That said I’ve taken the first steps and I’m pleased so far, it was definitely a whimper rather than a bang as I’m testing outside resource to see who fits with my way or working, gets what I need and can produce. I’m not just going to hand over my baby full time but letting them watch it for a bit whilst I’m in the room seems an okay place to start.


My turning point came because I just didn’t have enough hours in the day or hands to do it all or poles to keep my plates spinning. If you’re reaching that crossroads it’ll come for you too so I’d personally say that you’re better to be prepared, take your time and make the right choice for your bouncing baby business than panic and hand it over to the child catcher in disguise.



Me Time. Interrupted…


I wonder if you could help me with my roast potatoes…