I have literally no idea how to do that...
Have you ever thought that to yourself? Has a client or boss ever asked you to do something and your brain goes into instant panic mode?
I think we’ve all been there because, let’s be honest, no one knows how to do everything!
But how do you actually respond – what words come out of your mouth when faced with this situation?
Do you:
a) Laugh hysterically, say you have no idea how to do it and walk off
b) Smile confidently, say no problem then go off and panic quietly
c) Admit that you have no idea how to do that but you’ll work it out
There is no right or wrong answer here although I’d suggest that a limits your career options as it implies you’re not open to learning and b leaves you open to expectations that you may not be able to meet.
I’m a C all the way – over the last 8 years of running Spinning Plates there have been so many times where I’ve been asked to do something or asked if I can do something that I’ve never done before and when you’re starting a business there’s going to be a lot of those! I’m not afraid of not knowing though, I look at all of it as a chance to learn so for me it’s always going to be “I have no idea, but don’t worry I’ll find out”.
One thing I have learnt though is that that commitment to finding out doesn’t mean that you’re left alone to deal with it and there are a number of things you could and should do to make that learning process (and your success) easier.
· CLARITY – ever done more than you needed to, wasting time and effort? It’s easy to do especially if you’re trying to impress someone or trying to do something you’ve got no prior knowledge of. Clarifying the brief properly will mean you avoid over working or over complicating things.
· QUESTIONS – ask questions, ask all the questions. You’ve been honest that this is something new to you so be honest about what you need to know to get the thing done. Never be afraid to learn and you can’t do that without asking questions.
· EXPERTISE – Sometimes finding out means getting outside help. YouTube videos and online forums are great but they aren’t always specific to your problem. It never hurts to call on someone who does have experience – either to do the work so you can replicate it next time or to show you how.
· FEEDBACK – Don’t do everything and then present it as a fait accompli because that’s going to lead to frustration when you don’t get it right. Do a bit, get feedback and carry on – make sure you’re on the right track or you’ve fully understood what’s needed. You’re not a mind reader and you’re not (sorry about this) perfect but you can be guided towards it!
· OCCAM’S RAZOR – Let’s be honest, well all want to impress people but that can lead to us over complicating things for no reasons. Let Occam’s Razor be your guide- sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.
So, no more laughing and walking away, we’re all about accepting challenges honest in our lack of prior knowledge and then smashing them out of the park.