It's all in the mind! Get, Set, Go
the established set of attitudes held by someone
Mindset has to be one of the biggest buzzwords of the moment and actually, looking at the above definition it also seems to be one of the most misunderstood! The dictionary definition implies that the mindset is a fixed and established set of beliefs/attitudes and approaches.
However, what mindset work actually does is to put practices in place that work to alter your fixed beliefs and change things for the better. The top areas people seem to focus on with mindset work is:
· A money mindset
· A positivity mindset
· A wealth and growth mindset
I, personally, feel that mindset it broader that that – rather than focussing on a single outcome, like money, it’s more about changing your thought processes so you’re more open to possibilities and to opportunities.
I’m not big on faddy processes introduced into my routine and life – but these are the things I actually use in my life to make me happier, stronger and more open to the universe.
1. Take Time Off
It’s taken me years to learn this and I’m still not getting it right 100% of the time but taking actual time off (not dipping in and out or trying to multitask) is really important for your health and for the health of your business.
2. Let It Go
You can’t win all of the time and sometimes things will happen that you need to let go of. Holding
on to anger, resentment, stress or frustration can lead to unhealthy feelings that hinder the way you operate long term.
3. Learn Resilience
We all suffer knocks and set back and it’s how you deal with these that defines you and your mindset. There is an amazing proverb that says ‘fall down seven times, get up eight’ which I use as my mantra. Mistakes and set back are there to teach us, we just need to listen and learn.
4. Meditate on a Successful Day
I’ve recently introduced something that I love and that I’m going to keep going, a 5 minute quiet mediation in the morning, focussed on my breathing and using the quiet time in my mind to visualise the positive outcomes that I want for that day. It really sets me up for success.
5. Practice micro gratitude and pleasure
It really is the small things and that is especially true of gratitude and happiness – if we spend all our time searching for the huge, defining moments we’ll always struggle but if we take time each day to draw attention to, remember, be thankful for or bring in these small moments it will make a massive difference to your mindset.
I know these don’t work for everyone, but they are what works for me, in my daily routine. I’d love to know what works for you.