Obstacles and objections…
My whole business is focussed on helping people do the things they either can’t do or don’t want to do- since day one I’ve been helping people delegate and hand over parts of their business which is mostly a combination of confidence building and proving what I can do.
It wasn’t until recently, as my own business started growing and expanding that I finally understood how hard it can be to delegate. The will was there- I needed help and I knew I needed to find large parts of the business that could be carried out by someone else but the reality was very different.
Let me tell you why that was and maybe you’ll be able to relate to some of those feelings.
My Precious- this business is my baby and no one can do things that way I can, I’m faster, more efficient and apparently somewhat arrogant!
Trust me, I’m a VA- it’s hard to find someone you trust with your business and in my case, my clients, finding the right person is key to successfully handing over anything!
Show me the money- silly though it sounds it’s hard to give up what you earn, if I can find one more hour in the day it’s with £xx and giving a proportion of that to someone else hurts!
Have you ever felt any of those?
Recognising your fears can help you address them and work through them. My favourite technique for doing this is a CBT method which involves questioning your own thought processes.
When an obstructive thought like the above occurs you need to mentally challenge it - when I first started I did this out loud but now it’s more internal. Let’s imagine that your brain is saying “no one will do it as well as I can”
You could challenge this obstacle with the following questions (and their answers):
“What’s the worst that could happen if someone doesn’t do it as well as you?”
“Does a different way mean that it’s not as good?”
“How do you know there isn’t someone as good out there?”
By asking these questions and challenging the negative thoughts/obstacles that your brain throws up you can often diffuse their power and help yourself move towards a result that you’re happy with.
It’s always worked well for me when I’m panicking that I’ve not made cupcakes when someone comes to visit - using my favourite challenge question “So what?”… it does take practice though (and I occasionally still make the cupcakes!) so give it a try and let me know if it works for you.