So, what is it that you do? ...
When I first started my business I was advised to create an elevator pitch, a quick and succinct summary of what you do so that when people ask you the question, you’re ready.
I’ve always loved talking about what I do- and that’s partly because I love what I do. It’s easy to sound excited when you are excited - and I know that passion comes across. However, recently I’ve been asked that question a couple of times and I’ve realised just how much my pitch has changed.
You see the thing is, when you start a business you have this idea- this plan- and you need to get people to buy into it... and to you. But the reality involves constant reappraisal and change, often in reaction to your environment or clients or in my case- my inability to ignore my previous experiences.
I wanted to help people, make their lives easier but as time has gone on I have paired down my client list to a handful of clients who’s businesses and brands I feel strongly about- ones I want to see succeed and ones I will work tirelessly to support. That shift in focus means that when I work with a client I’m so invested that I like to help solve the problems (and sometimes point them out!) and that’s not quite how I used to pitch myself.
But it’s hard to quantify what that is and awful though it sounds- I won’t do it for just anyone, I need to feel excited about working with you and your business. I’m so so lucky to have found a number of clients for whom I already feel like that.
I was telling this to someone the other day- I think it’s important to be honest with potential clients and I’m not ashamed to say it either. I believe it’s important to know what you stand for.
So fire fighter, fixer, finder of problems... whichever you wish, if I like what you do I’ll do it for you 😂